MUD Creator Has a Rant at Politicians, Game Critics

Listening to: Guns N' Roses - Civil War

Richard Bartle, a co-creator of the multi-user dungeon (MUD) game format, has a go at anti-game types in an energetic op-ed for yesterday’s Guardian. Bartle writes:

I’m talking to you, you self-righteous politicians and newspaper columnists, you relics who beat on computer games: you’ve already lost. Enjoy your carping while you can, because tomorrow you’re gone…

Half the UK population has grown up playing computer games. They aren’t addicted, they aren’t psychopathic killers, and they resent those boneheads – that’s you – who imply that they are…
Dwell on this, you smug, out-of-touch, proud-to-be-innumerate fossils: half the UK population thinks games are fun and cool, and you don’t… Scared yet? You should be: we have the numbers on our side. Do your worst – you can’t touch us. We’ve already won.

15 years from now, the prime minister of the day will have grown up playing computer games… Gamers vote. Gamers buy newspapers. They won’t vote for you, or buy your newspapers, if you trash their entertainment with your ignorant ravings. Call them social inadequates if you like, but when they have more friends in World of Warcraft than you have in your entire sad little booze-oriented culture of a real life, the most you’ll get from them is pity…

When not smiting game critics, Bartle is a teaching fellow at the University of Essex.

Thats gotta be the best "In your FACE!" critic i ever read, pretty sums up imo what to expect for the future...

S.T.L Wallpapers

Listening to: globe - wanna Be A Dreammaker (Vapor mix)

Street Tuning Laboratory, a.k.a. S.T.L is a tuning shop located in Kawasaki, Japan. Specialized into hardcore race tuning, it has a notorious work over short wheelbase vehicles like the Mazda Miata and the Mitsubishi Mirage, being the last one know as a "underdog" among tuners

That if this was a real shop :P

TGD - chapter - 02.freedom…

Listening to: Linkin Park - Krwlng

Another chapter is up here, fresh from the oven!

And, before people complain about the Gallardo vs. Mirage, just remenber, fiction ≠ reality... have fun :P

Nujabes feat.Shing02 - battlecry

Listening to: Jaguar - The Knights of the Jaguar

I've always liked this song, more than the anime that use it as opening theme... Heh, one of the things i like most in anime is how they manage to always have a catchy song of its sorts, hard to come by, but also hard to forget...

3D - Kawasaki District

Listening to: Queens of the Stone Age - Little Sister

Madness... this is pure madness... I don't know anymore for how long i have been into this project, or what changes I've made to it. Still, i keep going with it, and I honestly don't know if I'll ever finish it.

Anyway, this is an attempt to make a photo realistic 3d scene for Racer, in order to have nice places to use for future "render shots" that I'll produce and put ingame. Like the name basically says, it's an small portion of an japanese neighborhood area, with lots of typical details. all models on are are barely based on constructions I've seen on pictures scattered around the web, mixing lots of elements trying to create something unique.

So far, if everything follows the actual plan, i shall cut the map a bit and add all the planed stores / houses in a single block. I only hope that it doesn't become a polymonster map by the end of it. Also, i'll probably drop some colors in a more advanced stage to make easier to notice the details of it... :P

Chris Jogkind. Dentsu - Rinkai Sen

Listening to: Jazztronik - 02 muddy muddy

I watched this video on Deviant Art once, that maker of it is the photographer / musician Chris Jongkind. I could say a lot of things of him and his work, but imagination to be descriptive now fails me. Just enjoy the video and be sure to check his site

Snake Eyes

Listening to: JAZZTRONIK - Interlude

Another "boredom render" done... Dices, casino like dices to be more precise, i had the mode laying around, all i needed to do was give them some good materials and some lighting...

I'll probably do the fur ones X-nemesis have being pestering me about once i get more familiar with the hair & fur plugin on 3DS. :P


Listening to: Jazztronik - The King of Dance

I was browsing youtube and came around this, really sweet vibes and nice video of a cruise from Tokyo highways. The artist in question is Jazztronik, and the song is The King of Dance. Also, check for more of it on youtube, it will definatly worth your time d(^_^)b

Get a cue!

Listening to: Cirrus - Boomerang

Boredom does wonders... I've always wanted to model billiard balls for no reason, and tonight, making use of the free time that i usually expend doing nothing useful, i started and finished it! (something really rare if you come to look at my personal works)

I modeled a small scene using some basic spheres on 3D studio max 9. The textures were made on CorelDRAW X4, following the rules of the billiard set exposed on Wikipedia and WBA, and the image was rendered using the V-Ray renderer version 1.50.17. Post work on Adobe Photoshop CS3.

I did only 2 images of it, don't thing nothing more than it was necessary, next game set will be dices probably :P

Billiard Balls - Break ShotBilliard Balls - Zoom

3D - Mitsubishi Mirage C73A Sedan

Listening to: Stardust - Musics sounds better with you

Well, this one goes a long way back. I consider this one my very first decent project on 3D. Its not finished, and i doubt it will be anytime soon.

For starters, the very first one was based on a 3D mesh of the stock Mitsubishi Mirage C73A Sedan provided by Red_Tsi. He gave me permission to play around with it and the end result was a chopped sporty ute with a longer wheelbase and several modifications. Since then I've being developing my own meshes of it and tuning jobs, trying to get it perfect both in looks and performance.

Right now I'm planing to get it back on its sedan form, by making a trackday version of it. After that, 3 different versions of the ute will be made for highway racing and one will be developed as a D1 GP contender.

  • S.T.L. Time Attack Coupe
  • S.T.L. UTE Evolution
  • S.T.L. UTE Evolution II
  • S.T.L. UTE Evolution III
  • S.T.L. UTE Evolution II D1GP
After those, I'll be able to say that my job will be done with this model. :P

Blackfire Blog works

Listening to: Diesel Boy and Kaos - Barrier Break

Another blog layout close to be finished, this time, its one that me and some of my friends will try to run through, posting stuff regarding our 3d works, being most of it game oriented. I hope this work, if they don't get lazy on me :P

NFSCars turned it's 8th Birthday

Listening to: Faithless - God is a DJ

Yeah, it's getting older, nice to see a forum living that long on the Internet. Mike managed to make a archive containing their advance through the years. It worth a check if you are a new member of it. :)

Honda Zoomer

Listening to: Dillinja - Dark Jungle

Kev, from grandJDM made an really interesting post about the jdm Honda Zoomer, an 50cc scooter that has quite a vast number followers on Japan. Upon reading it i got hooked, i'll probably model one of these in the near future... who knows, maybe replace the "fangio" frong gtasa from one of these :P

Designing Grey Lines Future

Listening to: Cirrus - Back On a Mission

Well? What is about it?

As expected, that blog shall be terminated on the incoming weeks, it served me well for a while, but some aspects of it never appraised me. Terminating it was the only option i could see.

Slowly i'll import some of the important posts from there to here. Sure it will break some of the time linearity, but i could care less for that at the moment. also, i doubt that any of the posts related to my previous projects will be worthy to be imported. Making less posts to bring here...

Also, i'll try to bring links from other interesting posts related to topics that i like from other blogs i know, always keeping the content here updated. :P

Feroci Japan is UP!

Listening to: Benny Benassi - Feel Alive

Another one if up, but this one is far from done, there's still lots of codding regarding some functions that doesn't appear on the blog as they should to be dealt with. I also gotta repost everything with proper formating...

but soon everything should be runing smooth on it :)

The Grey Desert is UP!

Listening to: Aphex Twins - Windowlicker

After some long time spanking my poor brain into trying to understand why Blogger doesn't let me use php/javascript/flash on the header of The Grey Desert, i gave up trying and settled for a normal image one, nothing like a bit of photoshop over an old Shuto Expressway to make me forget those long wasted unproductive hours...

Other than that, i cracked the html code, modded the look of it and i can say i'm happy with the way it looks now. Still there's some bits to finish (like a link bar reserved to my other related blogs, wich i still gotta play around with their layouts...), but there's already 2 chapters up of the new series...


Painted Desert really started in 1998, under the name of Mecks Company, with the idea of being a online portfolio for the works of Guilherme IberĂȘ C.S. Nascimento, a.k.a. Ozymandias Zero. Back then it was mostly centered on showing general 3D modeling projects and sim racing games mods.

Through the years the blog evolved, new members arrived, while others said goodbye to follow their own projects. Several new names were tried, and layouts were changed on a whim. Now, nearly 10 years after our first appearance, we step into our new, refreshed beginning, with a new focus and lots of interesting projects to work on. Still, the essence of our very first blog project is still here, to evolve in the realms of 3D modeling and design, bringing the very best mods out of the drawing table into the games.

Enjoy your stay!
Ozymandias Zero

New Home

Listening to: Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama

New home... and a nice looking one so far :P! Finally I'm getting used to edit the blog template to my likening, got some interesting results with it. Still, i do plan to make some modifications, most graphical, once i get hang of some extra things on it. Once everything is sorted, i shall start giving updates on my ongoing art works, aswell other meaningless stuff...