All because of this...

This is the retention bracket for the AMD Am2 motherboard. A meaningless priced plastic part responsible for securing the CPU cooler on its place. Every Am2 board comes with it, and it's expected to last the motherboard's lifespan.
But that is not what always happen, right?
Mine broke... for the second time! And in this Tech God forsaken country, is damn impossible to find a used replace part, let alone a new one.
The first time it happened, being my computer case a tower model, the cpu cooler stopped providing proper cooling to the cpu, leading it to self-shutdown in order to protect itself from overheating. It took me a while to figure out what was happening, till I opened the box and touched the parts to see if everything was in place and secured. Once the problem was diagnosed, I went out looking for a replacement on the web.
First stop, Asus website, as they are the manufacturers of my motherboard. Managed to get hold of a email for the Brazilian branch of them just to know that they are a bunch of incompetent people. Not only they don't sell parts or anything to a direct customer, but also they couldn't even be able to point me into one of their vendors.
Second stop, ebay(a.k.a. mercado livre here). I managed to source a seller of used parts, tried to contact him about the piece, but he kept me stalling about meeting me to get the part with him directly. Within time I got fed up with it as the sensation of scam started to rise from the reply of most of his clients.
Third stop, Sta. Ifigenia st., a street known for the large quantity of PC hardware vendors. If I couldn't find it there, I wouldn't find it ANYWHERE. This place is huge, with stores dealing with almost everything pc related, from brand new stuff to tech junkyards. I had to run down the place entirely to find a Akasa distributor that sold used pieces of that part. The store owner said he started storing them as many of his clients asked about them. Anyway, part bought, peace for a few months.
Now, April 1ยบ (yup, i'm not joking), the damn part broke again. but this time it was worse, as went it dislodged from its original position, it pulled the cpu around, making all operations that were undergoing to go haywire. Windows wouldn't boot up anywmore, not even on safety mode. I had to undergo a fresh install to get everything back
So, since I would need to deal with all that jazz again. I went out and bought the Akasa Evo Blue cooler, it goes attached directly to the motherboards, no need to used the damn bracket, it's not perfect, as it's hella noisy and have those leds which I'm not exactly a fan of (but i can live with them), but since i don't have to worry about finding another bracket I'm at peace with it.
I also got another hdd, so soon i should post a updated setup of my workstation. And Asus, if you ever read this, i gotta tell you, I like your products, but can you guys stop being so damn CHEAP??? seriously, plastic pieces? give us a good damn metal part instead.
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