Listening to: Jamiroquai - Feels Just Like it Should (Timo Maas Remix)
Yeah, jokes aside, thats my lovely head, uncanny valley on it's best form... It's far from perfect to me, also due the fact that i have almost zero interest on modeling characters (specially realistic looking ones). But as a job, i had to do it. Next week i shall get some input from my teachers on it. Although i don't expect much from it... I'm getting fed up with these models...
40ft Container Semi Trailer - End
Listening to: Guns 'n' Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
And it's done.... well, sort of done XD. There's a really small detail that I'm missing, which are the twist locks for the container. Not a big deal. I plan to do them later once i get more reference from them. Besides, I'm starting to run late with the other projects. This one will stage a little break now, and when i get back to it, I'll add the damn locks and the work on the texturing... and hope so, put it ingame.
And it's done.... well, sort of done XD. There's a really small detail that I'm missing, which are the twist locks for the container. Not a big deal. I plan to do them later once i get more reference from them. Besides, I'm starting to run late with the other projects. This one will stage a little break now, and when i get back to it, I'll add the damn locks and the work on the texturing... and hope so, put it ingame.
Moscow Racer
Listening to: DragonForce - Valley of the Damned
From the major failure that was E3 2008, I've saw this game on the lists of Gametrailers. Moscow Racer, Akela at first seemed to be another one of those horrible low budget games, but I must say that the action packed on the trailer changed my mind. Graphically wise, it's not the best out there compared with other last gen games, but lately, the last thing I'm worring about racing games is graphics. Nowadays, with the power of the last gen consoles and gaming rigs, its easy to deliver a high quality graphically wise game, but the most important fator imo, the gameplay, is always lacking. This game on the otherhand, seemed to focus on the gameplay more than on the graphics, the flow of the traffic is really cool and realistic looking, and if it ever come to be released, i'm sure to try it out...
40ft Container Semi Trailer
Listening to: Luke The Wizard - Travelin Jaxx Talisman

Even thou i had it planed before, I had to start this as my vacation project to my modeling course. My objective was to have no more than 4 days to finish this model.
Right now, I'm on the end of the second day of my speed modeling / endurance modeling attempt, and I'm really, really tired. Mostly due the fact that I'm working with very lacking reference pictures, mostly me forcing to pull rabbits out of the hat once in a while to get parts and details looking as realistic as possible. Still, the trailer is almost done. Later today i shall attempt to make the wheels for it...
Right now, I'm on the end of the second day of my speed modeling / endurance modeling attempt, and I'm really, really tired. Mostly due the fact that I'm working with very lacking reference pictures, mostly me forcing to pull rabbits out of the hat once in a while to get parts and details looking as realistic as possible. Still, the trailer is almost done. Later today i shall attempt to make the wheels for it...
Shibuya Nitro-Boys
Listening to: Trance Control - At 6 PM
As the story on "The Grey Desert" moves on, teams, racers and misfits will be introduced on a appropriate time. Even so, nothing bars me from showing up some of the designs that i plan to use on future related renders of it's chapters.
On this case, its the logo used by the Shibuya Nitro-Boys, a team known for their use of nitro injected hot hatches. Gold logo for the leader, pinkish logo for the rest of the members.
As the story on "The Grey Desert" moves on, teams, racers and misfits will be introduced on a appropriate time. Even so, nothing bars me from showing up some of the designs that i plan to use on future related renders of it's chapters.
On this case, its the logo used by the Shibuya Nitro-Boys, a team known for their use of nitro injected hot hatches. Gold logo for the leader, pinkish logo for the rest of the members.
Layout Updates
Listening to: Mako & Sayuki - Wings Of Fire
Did some updates along the page, added feed links and other invisible perks... I shall take a go on the comments soon, so people can differentiate author's comments from the normal visitors ones. This shall give some visual help while searching if i did or did not answered your inquiry :P
Also, I'm probably take a go on the image links for the feeds during the week, gonna make some custom ones to go along with the blog theme. I'm really hating how they look now to be honest. Other GFX implements should take place as well... who knows where...
Did some updates along the page, added feed links and other invisible perks... I shall take a go on the comments soon, so people can differentiate author's comments from the normal visitors ones. This shall give some visual help while searching if i did or did not answered your inquiry :P
Also, I'm probably take a go on the image links for the feeds during the week, gonna make some custom ones to go along with the blog theme. I'm really hating how they look now to be honest. Other GFX implements should take place as well... who knows where...
Welcome TJ!
Listening to: 古代祐三 - Stream Of Tears (More Tranced Mix)
Well, time for some introductions, as you can see, we have another member on our cast. I've meet her during my after-graduation classes, and quickly, with her easygoing personality, we became friends. I happy to have her here, not only to show her works, but for also agreeing with helping me out with the Kawasaki Project, which you guys can see its an humongous task. :P
Welcome aboard girl!
Well, time for some introductions, as you can see, we have another member on our cast. I've meet her during my after-graduation classes, and quickly, with her easygoing personality, we became friends. I happy to have her here, not only to show her works, but for also agreeing with helping me out with the Kawasaki Project, which you guys can see its an humongous task. :P
Welcome aboard girl!
3D - Kawasaki District - pt.06
Listening to: Jet Set Radio Future - Let Mom Sleep (No Sleep Mix)

Nothing much here, the covering buildings are almost done. What you see here are apartment buildings, small and cramped one to be precise. I dunno if they look much like the usual Japanese ones, i guess I'll have to take my chances with them...

Nothing much here, the covering buildings are almost done. What you see here are apartment buildings, small and cramped one to be precise. I dunno if they look much like the usual Japanese ones, i guess I'll have to take my chances with them...
The Power of Boredom
Listening to: Grandmaster Flash - The Message
Past 3:00AM... never doubt what boredom can do for you... My buddy .59 used to use jpg of a Luis Vuitton pattern on the fabric of the seats of some of his 3d models, dunno why, i felt like vectorizing it today, found a good one and gave it a try...
Past 3:00AM... never doubt what boredom can do for you... My buddy .59 used to use jpg of a Luis Vuitton pattern on the fabric of the seats of some of his 3d models, dunno why, i felt like vectorizing it today, found a good one and gave it a try...
Say Goodbye to Designing Grey Lines blog
Listening to: Faithless - God is a DJ
We'll, it was good till it lasted. I have to inform you guys that my previous blog, Designing Grey Lines has finally meet its end.
Today i just finished removing all the salvageable content of it and pressed the dreaded delete button. It was a good run, i learned a lot with it, and I'm thankful for the visitors of it. R.I.P.
We'll, it was good till it lasted. I have to inform you guys that my previous blog, Designing Grey Lines has finally meet its end.
Today i just finished removing all the salvageable content of it and pressed the dreaded delete button. It was a good run, i learned a lot with it, and I'm thankful for the visitors of it. R.I.P.
TGD - chapter - the silence…
Listening to: Simon V - The Traveler
Another chapter of "The Grey Desert" added, the story is moving on!
check it here!
Also, i plan to do some overhaul on the blog looks, stay tuned!
Another chapter of "The Grey Desert" added, the story is moving on!
check it here!
Also, i plan to do some overhaul on the blog looks, stay tuned!
3D - Kawasaki District - pt.05
Listening to: Infected Mushroom - I Wish (Brutal Mix By Skazi)
The S.T.L. kawazaki shop... yeah, i think this pictures need a bit of explanation :P
The shop is both the small gray house and the gray depot, the rest is just environment. The house is on one side of the street, and its composed by a first floor office, and a common house on the 2 top floors, were the owners live. Attached to the back of it, and with exit to the next parallel street is the garage, were the vehicles are fixed and tuned. Also, a good portion of it is reserved as parking lot for cars under work that can't be stored inside the shop.
For the rest, the yellowish buldings are still being designed/overhauled, so their looks might change yet.
The S.T.L. kawazaki shop... yeah, i think this pictures need a bit of explanation :P
The shop is both the small gray house and the gray depot, the rest is just environment. The house is on one side of the street, and its composed by a first floor office, and a common house on the 2 top floors, were the owners live. Attached to the back of it, and with exit to the next parallel street is the garage, were the vehicles are fixed and tuned. Also, a good portion of it is reserved as parking lot for cars under work that can't be stored inside the shop.
For the rest, the yellowish buldings are still being designed/overhauled, so their looks might change yet.
Nerds can be Pimps tool! TokyoFlash!
Listening to: Foo Fighters - Everlong
I remenber seeing one of these watches a long time ago, on a magazine about cool stuff you can find on japanese lands. But it was such a long time, that i even forgoten how they looked or even named. My buddy Spirit hooked me up with the site link, and i found it back. This model is called Pimping Ain't Easy IP Black, and it's made by Tokyo Flash, Realy loving the fresh style, and I'm sure to buy one when i get the chance. :P
I remenber seeing one of these watches a long time ago, on a magazine about cool stuff you can find on japanese lands. But it was such a long time, that i even forgoten how they looked or even named. My buddy Spirit hooked me up with the site link, and i found it back. This model is called Pimping Ain't Easy IP Black, and it's made by Tokyo Flash, Realy loving the fresh style, and I'm sure to buy one when i get the chance. :P
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